Resume of John Manimas                                 May 2020


Qualifications for the Office of President:  Thirty years a civil servant, excellent experience for elective office.  I am not employed by any business entity to promote their selfish interests or to support laws to enable them to receive tax-funded subsidies, avoid taxes, control government or escape financial responsibility for causing damage to private or public property or injuries to American citizens.  If elected to the office of President, I will pursue the improvement of civil rights, the rights of labor, and a free market economy, including accountability for all forms of environmental damage caused by commercial or industrial business entities. Will promote total cost accounting and absolute liability.


Professional experience:  Coordinator, Community Justice Center, 4 months 2012. Four years all-purpose volunteer, including Restorative Justice Board, client transport.


Social Worker for State of Vermont (SRS/DCF-Springfield District).  Child protection and delinquent youth: June 1989 to July 2000.  Adoption Social Worker July 2000 to April 2006.  Total time period:  June 1989 to April 2006.


Child Support Worker for Massachusetts.: December 1986 to June 1989


Personnel Recruiter for Numanco (Health Physics):  December 1985 to September 1986.


Income Maintenance Specialist (Benefits Eligibility Worker):

February 1977 to June 1985                                            


Other relevant experience from June 1966 to February 1977

Social studies teacher (Grades 7-10) 1970-1971

Auto insurance claims representative, church school teacher, youth activities counselor, graduate assistant, administrative assistant, revenue officer June 1966 to April 1968, summer youth recreation program, boys' and girls club program assistant, self-employed as carpenter and gardener.  No significant periods of unemployment.


Education and Training:  Numerous workshops and continuing education in social work subject matter such as:  legal procedures, child development, family dynamics, causes and impact of child abuse, alcohol and drug addiction, brain development.

                                                Total of more than 340 hours of specialized training.


Thirty graduate credits in education and government (Master of Arts in Teaching Program), University of Massachusetts, School of Education (Teacher's Certificate), 1968-1970.


Bachelor of Arts (Political Science), Brandeis University, 1962-1966.

High School Diploma from Andrew Warde (Public) high school, Fairfield, Connecticut,

with one year in Italy as exchange student (Sept. 1960 to May 1961), 1957-1962.




John Manimas write-in (Campaign 2020) Package.


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See (Progress Reports 2020), work completed to make it real.


If you wish, submit your five-minute Voter's First Response Survey: (RBV Survey #1).


(1)  What is (Different) about the John Manimas Write-in Campaign.


(2)  Donation of Electoral Votes in Exchange for (Election Reforms).


(3)  The Effect of the (12fth Amendment) on the Presidential election.


(4)  Five Most Common Political (Con Jobs) or it's easy to know candidates.


The Revolution by Vote is a PLAN for the American people to use their voting power to get off the Two-party (Seesaw)


and create a real democracy as was intended by the founders AND the original three million colonists.


What you would be (voting for) and proposed law to establish (obligatory voting).


Why you would become a (Voting Power), and the (Mission 2020) Statement.


Elections information:

Brief description of voter suppression and political party (suppression).


The (Electoral College) and its problems, a key to election reforms.


State election authorities names and (Addresses).

The Federal Government does not manage elections, but is vested with power to monitor elections or make rules

for election procedures in order to provide the "republican form of government" guaranteed by the Constitution.


(Federal Guide) online PDF for elections of federal offices,

by Federal Elections Commission (FEC).


Elections and political party information – Federalist Papers:

Online access to text of the  (Federalist Papers)

Papers, or numbers, of special interest below.


Constitutional information:

There are many text versions of the Constitution of the United States online.

One is a PDF file:  (Constitution USA).


Poster/advertisement:  You can vote (Against) the Two-Party Tyranny.


            By writing in John Manimas you will be voting for:  (Election reforms).


Want more detailed information?  Read six short documents, each two pages: The (Six Documents).


Invitation to (Decide):  Revolution by Violence or Revolution by Vote


  (Membership) Oath or Affirmation for Real Democracy Party

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