Mission 2020 - Election Reforms

John Manimas Medeiros



There are two goals I hope to achieve by November 1, 2020:


1)  Persuade some of my fellow citizens that "good stewardship" is not just an ethical recommendation, but rather a physical law of the universe;


2)  Persuade my fellow citizens that if we do not reform our "two-party" election system, the two parties will destroy American democracy and American society. 

            Further, persuade my fellow citizens who habitually do not vote (since 1900) to protest our "two party" American election system actively by writing in a vote for

"John Manimas"

instead of passively protesting our "two-party" American election system by abstaining from voting.  That voting block is approximately 40% of the eligible electorate or about 100 million citizens.  Cast this write-in protest vote with the public understanding that such a write-in vote is a demand for election reforms.  The specific election reforms demanded are posted on the website www dot realdemocracyparty dot org.


The conduct of this mission will require many tasks that will take time and cost money, and involve enlisting the active participation of supporters in many or all 50 states.


John Manimas write-in (Campaign 2020) Package.



LINKS to other sections of the CAMPAIGN 2019 PACKAGE:



Open the Campaign (Package 2019).


Return to (Welcome) Page.


What you would be (voting for) and proposed law to establish (obligatory voting).


Why you would become a (Voting Power).


To-do organizational plans/strategies:

To-do (Guidelines) for tasks and volunteers.

To-do (Detailed information) on how to be treated as an official candidate.


Elections information:

Brief description of voter suppression and political party (suppression).


The (Electoral College) and its problems, a key to election reforms.


State election authorities names and (Addresses).

The Federal Government does not manage elections, but is vested with power to monitor elections or make rules

for election procedures in order to provide the "republican form of government" guaranteed by the Constitution.


(Federal Guide) online PDF for elections of federal offices,

by Federal Elections Commission (FEC).


Elections and political party information – Federalist Papers:

Online access to text of the  (Federalist Papers)

Papers, or numbers, of special interest below.


Constitutional information:

There are many text versions of the Constitution of the United States online.

One is a PDF file:  (Constitution USA).


Return to (Welcome) Page.

To before0922pages: (Pre0922 Contents)