What you are voting for -- and demanding -- when you write in

Real Democracy Party or John Manimas on your ballot in November


1)  Defensive voting - write-ins:  Your ballot cannot be discarded because by writing in your vote your intent is clearly established legally as a deliberate and conscious vote.  This is a legal principle established in numerous case judgments involving disputes over the validity of ballots cast or disqualified.  Your intent is clear and beyond question.


2)  Political Party Coalitions:  Your vote indicates that you want to retire the two-party system which enables only party contests yielding one winner and one loser;  you want major political parties to form coalitions with minor or new political parties.


3)  Vote donation or vote sharing:  Your vote indicates that you want to retire the two-party system and you want minor or new political parties (previously known as "third" parties or "splinter" parties or "spoiler" parties) to donate or share their votes with a major political party so that the resulting party coalition -- of two or more parties -- can win the elective office.  The candidate of the party with the most votes wins the elective office through the coalition of the parties.  (See example below)


4)  Specific listed election reforms:   You want specific election reforms similar to or the same as the Seven Principles of the Real Democracy Party: 

            1)  A multi-party system with coalitions between a major party and a minor or new party with compatible party platforms, instead of the destructive practice of having votes for a minor party benefit the major party with the opposite political platform.

            2)  Voter registration at birth, continued with simple updates of address.  Severe penalties for acts of voter suppression.

            3)  Abolish Gerrymandering or "vote capturing" by a contrived political or demographic enclosure to serve as a state or federal election district.  Voting districts to be based on logic of geographically and economically connected regions.  Severe penalties for deliberate schemes for vote capturing.

            4)  The best publicly owned or public-domain election technology, as reliable as technology used for commercial transactions or military communications.

            5)  Paper printed copy of the votes cast by the voter, provided to the voter.  If a voter identification card is required, it shall be provided by the state at state expense.

            6)  A National Elections Commission shall have the power to investigate state elections and write reports on election plans and the conduct of elections.  Commission may recommend elections technology and procedures.

            7)    The new election system shall always provide for direct implementation of the will of the people through the elections process:  when the voters lean to the right, the candidates elected and platforms favored shall lean to the right;  when the voters lean to the left, the candidates elected and platforms favored shall lean to the left.  There shall be no ineffective third or splinter parties.     


            Why would a voter cast their vote in this way?  If the voter understands that the American two-party system is a scam not supported by constitutional law, and that perpetuates minority rule and obstructs the election of candidates by meaningful majority vote (for example, see Four Lethal Flaws of the Two-Party Tyranny).  Through the Revolution by Vote the voters demand an end to the two-party system.


Example:  State representative election for a district in New York State.  Democratic Party gets 46% of the vote.  The Real Democracy Party gets 7% of the vote.  The Democratic Party and Real Democracy parties form a coalition and share their respective votes.  The total coalition votes of 53% are counted as supporting the Democratic candidate and the Democratic candidate is the official winner of the election.  The Democratic Party shares political power with the Real Democracy Party by means of specific agreements in writing and shared with the general public.  Such a coalition could be formed between the Democratic Party or the Republican Party and any minor or new political party, such as a Progressive Party or Conservative Party.  The key newness in this proposed Revolution by Vote is that a major political party is compelled to compromise with a new or minor party and share power with a minor party.  That means the American voters would enter into a new experience of serious political competition.  We have many choices in virtually all other markets.  We need more choices in the political market. 


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John Manimas write-in (Campaign 2020) Package.


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