Transformation Party Pledge, (January, 2022)

The sole purpose of the proposed Transformation Party is to offer the American voters a place and a strategy to transform the Two-Party System, which protects minority rule, into a genuine multi-party system that enables new parties to emerge and compete for voter support, so that there is always a "third force" ready to take over the power to govern if and when the party or parties in power fail to protect our democratic process -- as they did in 1963, 1968, 1970, 2007, 2016 and 2020.  To use the traditional rules and customs of our elections to break into the two-party monopoly and disrupt it; show that the voters can take power from the two-party alliance and remove their ability to ignore the wishes of the majority.  To use the electoral-college system to show that a small group of determined voters can deprive the two-party system of the power to elect a president.


Two first steps, taken together, to break the two-party seesaw:

1)  Resist Gerrymandering or "vote-capturing" by protecting the secret ballot and requiring no-party registration.  State election authorities have no need to know how registered voters are likely to vote in the future, and they definitely do not need that information in order to perform their governmental role of organizing and conducting safe and accurate elections.

2)  Bring all voter suppression to an end by enacting mandatory voting.  Enact mandatory voting as the entirely natural way to keep the constitutional commitment of the federal power to "guarantee a republican form of government" to the states and the people. 


The proposed Transformation Party proposes a coalition with the Democratic Party, and the coalition shall take effect if and when the Democratic Party passes the Rule of the People Voting Act  below.  If the Democratic Party passes the Rule of the People Voting Act by October 3, 2024, recording votes of Democrats in the federal House and the Senate, the Transformation Party voters will vote for the Democratic presidential candidate in the general election of November 2024. 


Rule of the People Voting Act


Whereas maintenance of a democratic republic requires that the highest possible number of eligible voters participate in elections, therefore be it enacted as follows:

            A)  Secret Ballot Registration:  All voter registration records shall have the effect of protecting the tradition of secret ballot.  Therefore, no registration or voter identification records of any state or federal election authority shall include any form of information that names a registrant affiliation with a political party or political policy group or legislative identity group.  This act is not intended to prohibit or hinder other non-governmental organizations from associating individual voters or groups of voters with voting patterns, voting history, or any protected right to express their political opinions or political preferences.  Any past voter registration records of state and federal election authorities that include political party affiliation of a voter shall remove and destroy such references to political party affiliation, and the same shall apply to any other form of information that is intended to record, announce or reveal a political preference of the identified registrant.  This required revision of voter records shall be completed within no more than two years from the date this act is approved and made law.  This provision is enacted into law because state election authorities are charged only with operating safe and accurate elections and said election authorities are not assigned any government responsibilities that requires them to know in advance how registered voters may be likely to vote. 

            B)  Requirement to Vote:  Whereas the Constitution includes a commitment to provide a republican form of government to the states and the people, every citizen of the United States of America who is eligible to vote by age and all other eligibility provisions is and shall be required to vote in every election that is held in and by the states for the office of state legislative representative or for an office in the federal House of Representatives, or for an executive office. 

            C)  Receipt for Ballot Cast:  Each voter who has completed the process of casting their ballot shall receive a printed receipt that includes the date of the election, the location of the polling place including the state, the voter's name and location including any voter identification words or symbols used by the state election authority. 

            D) Monetary Contribution to Cost of Elections:  Each voter who has a federal income tax liability of $100 or more shall contribute the amount of ten dollars ($10.00) toward the cost of elections in their state with their annual federal tax return.  A taxpayer [who has a federal income tax liability of $100 or more] who does not provide a conformed copy of their ballot receipt from the most recent previous legislative election shall be assessed a representation cost fee of forty dollars ($40.00) for a total assessment, due with the federal tax return, of fifty dollars ($50.00).  No additional effort to collect representation cost fees is authorized at this time.


Note:  Article 4, Section 4 (Constitution)   The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; …]


Creating the Transformation Party:

Membership Commitment Pledge

I, ________(full name)__________________________  born on __________________

in the State of ____________________________ , do certify that as a condition of becoming a member of the Transformation Party I will not at any time speak out or take action to change the purposes or plan of the Transformation Party to compel a coalition with the Democratic Party in order to enact into law no-party voter registration and mandatory voting.  I understand that I may also be a member of the Democratic Party if permitted by the Democratic Party.  I understand that in the future the Transformation Party may form a platform and policy committee and that committee may have the power to terminate my membership status and develop additional policies and platforms after December 2024 with the support of the membership.  I understand that my membership in a local chapter includes participation in a state chapter and the national organization.


Creation of the Transformation Party may begin in New York or any other state by compliance with the state's election laws with regard to election of responsible officers and registration or record requirements.  Although there are administrative laws, citizens have broad freedoms protected by the First Amendment in the process of forming a political party or political organization.  However, keep in mind that each state, and the federal government, has detailed election funding laws.  The Federal Election funding laws are designed for rich people with armies of lawyers and accountants to control elections and public debate, and the federal laws do not accomplish the alleged purpose of preventing fraudulent election funding.  All of the election authorities are run by ethical bureaucrats who do their best to have the laws applied equally to all who endeavor to participate in the American political process, but keep in mind that you are trying to participate at a time when the Republican Party wants to block everyone other than white supremacists from effective participation.  If you are able to read normal American English, including some "legalese," and you know how to educate yourself, you will be able to understand and make use of all election laws, rules and processes.  The average inconvenience will be a requirement to notarize documents and/or send public notice of your organization, and its meetings and decisions, to the appropriate state authorities.  Other than that, you are free to pursue publicity and public support for your cause the same as any other group within the limits of the law.     


Finding the Presidential Electors in Several States

If you are new to this type of political activist project, you can start by viewing the "Presidential Write-in Campaign Information" (PWCI) which includes five spreadsheets in text format showing five sorted data tables:  1) alphabetical by state; 2) number of presidential electors to be appointed; 3) registration of candidate required or not required; 4) deadline for registration [for 2020 general election]; 5) number of registered voter signatures required to be filed with the state election authority in order to have the candidate's name printed on the ballot --- this is an option that is not part of the planned goals of the Transformation Party.  The Transformation Party plans to have their presidential candidate run as a write-in candidate.  The information that is most likely to change for the 2024 election is the deadline for registration (#4) and the number of signatures required for printing the candidate's name on the state's ballot (#5). 


For more detailed and up-to-date information, search for "election rules ---" inserting the name of your state.  Or, simply search for "" etc. for the general welcome page of your state government, and then search for election rules and or election authority from there.  You can also search for "Secretary of State" because in most cases the Secretary of State is the officer who is responsible for the conduct of elections even if there is an Elections Commission or Elections Division that has direct responsibility for conducting the state's elections.  In many cases the officers who conduct the state's elections are county elections officers.  All this information will be available online at your state's gov website and your state's law websites.  State statutes are usually divided up by separate divisions, chapters or topic headings, and each state uses a format that is different from the formats used by other states.  Stick with it, you will learn to read "legalese" if you have not done this type of research before.  All this is mental labor, but it is easier than traveling, tedious meetings, or a protest march. What is most important is that this work is far more likely to be effective toward the goal of disrupting the two-party monopoly which is a necessary step to create a real democracy in the United States of America.


Appointing the Presidential Electors of the Transformation Party Candidate

NEXT, while gathering the information about write-in candidates for the office of President, you will find your state's information about Presidential Electors.  This will include entering the names of the persons you (your state chapter of the Transformation Party) have appointed to be the Presidential Electors pledged to vote for the presidential candidate of the Transformation Party.  In most cases you will not find any specific requirements for a person to serve as a Presidential Elector.  In some cases the information published online will be surprisingly brief and simple.  However, whether you do find specific qualifications described or not, the best course of action is to assure that each appointed Presidential Elector is:

            A)  An American citizen who resides in your state (at least six months);

            B) A registered voter in your state at least 18 years old  (some states may have a higher age qualification for Presidential Electors). 

            C) Understands what it means to be a Presidential Elector who pledges to vote for the Transformation Party presidential candidate, may be obligated to travel to the state capital to cast his presidential elector ballot.       Understands that his service is only to deliver his ballot and not to officially engage in any public debate or other political rally or public expression of his political opinions.

            A mature adult with no criminal record.

            D) Clearly believes in the goals of the Transformation Party and is committed to the project of the Transformation Party.


Completing the Paperwork in Each State

Standard paperwork will include forms or documents that must be notarized in order to be accepted by the state election authority.  Most likely forms will be for notice of the organizational meeting held and the election of state officers of the state chapter of the Transformation Party.  Later, state chapters can elect officers for the Transformation Party National Committee (can be same persons as state officers).  Then, certification or registration of the presidential candidate of the Transformation Party, which will include on the same form or a separate form the notarized acceptance of the Transformation Party candidate for Vice President.  Also, either on the same form or a separate form a list of the names of the Presidential Electors appointed by the Transformation Party (your state chapter).  THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TASK TO COMPLETE IN ORDER FOR THE TRANSFORMATION PARTY PROJECT TO BE EFFECTIVE AND BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY.  The threat, publicly stated and repeated across the nation, that voters plan to vote for the Transformation Party's presidential candidate embodies the power, and the only power, that is a threat to the two party control over the presidential election.  The Transformation Party presidential candidate must agree to raise $5,000 in campaign funds and organize a primary campaign committee that complies with the campaign funding rules of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).  If this is a challenge, the Transformation Party and their presidential candidate can seek legal assistance to be sure that the campaign funds are handled properly and the required reports are submitted to the FEC.  All this, as formidable as it may sound, is less work than carrying a sign in a protest march.  Further, carrying a sign in a protest march, at this time, is a dangerous waste of effort.  The two party disaster does not have any reason to listen to political protests because they have all the money and control that they need to get elected by stupid voters who have no idea that they are being used. 


Effective Publicity for this Revolution by Vote

There is no limit to how the web and social media can be used to send out statements about what you want and what you like when it includes the Transformation Party, the Transformation Party candidate, and the positive goals of the Transformation Party.  Even email alone could reach every voter during July-September, 2024.  Here is the task plan in steps:


            1)  Hold organizational meeting of 6-20 people in your state to create your state chapter of the Transformation Party, elect members of offices (chair, secretary, etc) required or recommended by your state election authority.  The purpose of this meeting is not to discuss why people should join, or the seriousness of the commitment.  That should have been decided before.  (Complete by June, 2023)


            2)  Send/submit notice of the political party organization and its elected officers to the proper office of the state election authority.  If you do not find official forms for this purpose then you may accomplish this step by sending a formal letter signed by the Chair, Secretary or responsible person.  You are dealing with bureaucrats, everything must be addressed to the proper office or authority.  One can always call and ask about the process, procedures, addresses, names of the elections commissioners, etc.

            3)  A Transformation Party National Committee is identified (complete by October 2023).

            4)  Each state chapter has identified their Transformation Party Presidential Electors (complete by October 2023).

            5)  Submit all pledge statements or forms signed by your state Presidential Electors, including notarized statements of the Transformation Party candidates for President and Vice President, for the general election of November 2024.  (Complete by December 2023 or 30 days before the deadline published by the state for the 2024 general election.)

            6)  Spread the word, by all legal means, that you, a registered voter in your state, plan to vote for the Transformation Party candidate for President, and you will change your vote to the Democratic Candidate IF AND ONLY IF THE HOUSE AND SENATE VOTE ON THE BILL FOR NO-PARTY REGISTRATION AND MANDATORY VOTING NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30, 2024.  Provide public statements of any legal type, such as letter to editor, voice mail, email, that you are affiliated with the Transformation Party and plan to vote for the candidates supported by the Transformation Party.  If you want to spend your own money to publish your political support for the Transformation Party or its candidates, you must discuss that funding plan with the primary campaign committee of the Transformation Party presidential candidate.  Keep in mind, you are always free to cast your secret ballot as you deem best on election day.  You have no obligation to vote according to any formula or according to another person's viewpoint.  The power of this project is in the credible threat to prevent both the Democratic or the Republican candidate from getting the 270 electoral votes they must get to win.  You will exercise this power to start a revolution in the American elections system regardless of how you choose to vote on Election Day in November 2024.  AND, the one and only reason you can exercise this power is because you took the time and made the effort to APPOINT THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS OF THE TRANSFORMATION PARTY IN YOUR STATE.  No other plan or effort will give you this power to disrupt the two-party seesaw and promote the elections reforms that we need.  Later, there are a few more necessary steps.  The last step will be to make the U.S. Senate seats proportional to population.  Then the United States of America will have a chance to be a real democracy.    


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