Transformation to Democracy



Webcasts from the Mission of John Manimas

Campaign 24


Webcasts for a Revolution by Vote - Listed from latest to first.


[7] JM Webcast 051322 -- How the 2022 election is a referendum on voter suppression:

Your vote in Nov 2022 will make (history) [16 min]


[6] JM Webcast 031522 -- How you can be a revolution by vote simply by voting:

Fifteen minutes can save your democracy.

Vote with others against voter suppression in (Referendum Nov 2022) [5 min]


[5] JMWebcast 022722: Why (vote donation) and party coalition should work. [6 min]


[4] JMWebcast 022422: Why a demand for mandatory voting is a (legitimate demand). [11 min]


[3] JMWebcast 103021: Why the Two-Party System and Electoral College are so deeply (entrenched) [24 min]


[2] JMWebcast 101821: My (qualifications to make) this suggestion. [15 min]


[1] JMWebcast 100521: (Listen to My Suggestion) [20 min]


To before 0922pages: (Before 0922 Contents)


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