The final offer of the Real Democracy Party to the
Democratic Party and House of Representatives
August 5, 2020
The Real Democracy Party will donate votes cast for John Manimas to
the Democratic candidate for the office of President IF
[ See PDF copy of letter sent to DNC on August 10th, 2020: (To DNC from RDP) ]
the House of Representatives has passed a law that means the same as the following proposed "Rule by the People Act" the purpose of which is to affirm and uphold the Constitutional promise of a republican form of government to the states and the people.
Rule by the People Act: An act to affirm and uphold the Constitutional promise of a republican form of government and majority rule for all elected offices of the federal government and for all laws, policies and programs enacted by the Legislative Branch of the United States of America.
A) Mandatory Voting. Voting shall be mandatory for all citizens eligible to vote. Eligible citizens who do not vote in a general election that includes federal offices may be penalized with a nominal fine or loss of a federal benefit. Said penalty may be imposed and or collected at the next filing of federal tax returns. No monetary penalty or loss of a benefit of value shall be enforced against a person who has no federal income tax liability.
B) Practical Uniformity of State Election Practices. The states may receive federal assistance both in the form of technological information and equipment as well as direct payment of funds to a state or states for adopting standard election rules or standard election best practices among the several states in order to make voting, running for elective office, and understanding the election process easier for the general public. It shall be the goal of general elections in the United States to attract the most qualified and most dedicated people to public service, and not to impose unwanted ideologies on the people in any case where the desires of the people entail providing for their physical needs in an atmosphere of fairness in the economic, political and social life of the people.
C) Competitive Election Practices. Consistent with all Constitutional law, the states by authority of their citizens shall retain control over the rules for elections conducted by them. Any proposal or plan for uniform election rules or practices shall be controlled by the states and their citizens in order to achieve a meaningful and acceptable degree of cooperation among the several states toward the purpose of the best democratic practice, while always protecting the rights of minorities of all types. In order to provide and sustain meaningful political choices for the people, an election that includes federal offices shall include ranked choice voting, fusion voting, and political party coalitions as such coalitions may arise from similarities in the goals and platforms of separate political parties. In whatever manner a state chooses to conduct its elections, the election process shall be designed so that no political party that is or becomes a "major" political party shall be protected by law from being challenged or removed from power by a new or "minor" political party.
D) Suppression of Voting is a Criminal Act. Any act or omission that has the effect of intimidating or discouraging an eligible citizen from voting shall be treated as a crime against the person or persons and shall be treated as a violation of federal law and specifically as a violation of civil rights, and as an action that deprives the person who is intimidated or discouraged from voting to have been deprived of liberty and property. Such criminal acts may be attributed not only to individuals in positions of authority over elections but also to the state agencies who supervise the elections. Suppression of voting or of political party competition shall be regarded as active opposition to the republican form of government guaranteed in the Constitution.
E) Timely Coordination with the United States Senate. The Senate of the United States of America will support this act of Congress within 120 days of its passage by the House. If the Senate and the House have not concurred in passage of this act within the allotted time period of 120 days, the House of Representatives shall pass a resolution stating that the Congress has not met its obligations with regard to a republican form of government.
IF the preceding conditions are not met, no votes cast for John Manimas shall be donated.
Listed below are the states where John Manimas and the Real Democracy Party have filed paperwork to declare his intent to run as a write-in candidate, to register or certify that write-in votes cast for John Manimas should be counted in the state election results, and should be known by the public postings on the RDP website and by political advertising of the RDP that a vote cast for John Manimas is a vote to retire the two-party system and to enact election reforms intended to stop voter suppression and encourage genuine political competition.
Neither John Manimas personally nor the Real Democracy Party guarantees that write-in votes for John Manimas will be counted and officially reported in and by any of the states. The reason the counting of such write-in votes cannot be guaranteed is because the elections rules vary with each state, and because the states require that a write-in candidate for President appoint the proper number of Presidential Electors who are residents of the state and registered to vote in the state. Although the RDP has filed the paperwork prescribed and in most cases forms provided by the state, the Two-Party System is restrictive and exercises control over all elections. The two "major" parties can be expected to invalidate the write-in votes because it is in their partisan political interest to do so. Still, if millions of non-voters registered and cast write-in votes for John Manimas as a protest vote, that action would have to be noted and taken into consideration with regard to the future of political parties and elections in the United States. There is a lack of certainty here; therefore, if you do not believe your vote has useful power, you can continue your protest by walking down the street yelling and carrying a sign. Protest marches make good news material, and are almost as entertaining as a lunatic speaking at a rally. I recommend that you register and vote however you deem best. If you have a better idea, do it. The one decision that is definitely wrong is the decision to not vote. YOU ARE 40% OF THE ELIGIBLE VOTERS IN YOUR STATE, IF YOU ALL VOTED FOR THE SAME CANDIDATE, THAT CANDIDATE WILL BE AWARDED ALL OF THE ELECTORAL VOTES OF YOUR STATE.
(Alabama 9) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . Alabama 9
(California 55) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . California 55
(Florida 29) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Florida 29 (93)
(Maine 4) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maine 4
(Michigan 16) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . Michigan 16
(Minnesota 10) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . Minnesota 10
(Nebraska 5) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nebraska 5
(New Hampshire 4) State Information. . . . . . . . New Hampshire 4 (39)
(North Carolina 15) State Information. . . . . . . . North Carolina 15
(Ohio 18) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ohio 18
(Oregon 7) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oregon 7 (40)
(Pennsylvania 20) State Information. . . . . . . . . .Pennsylvania 20
(New York 29) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . New York 29
(Vermont 3) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vermont 3
(Virginia 13) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . Virginia 13 (65)
(Washington 7) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . Washington 7
(Wisconsin 10) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . Wisconsin 10
(Wyoming 3) State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . .Wyoming 3 (20) 18 states
Total of 257 electoral votes
To before 0922pages: (Before 0922 Contents)
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Back to (Project Phases) to take first giant step for social justice.
Go to (Getting Started) to save your country and the world.
Look at (John Manimas Campaign 2020) to learn more about the non-voter plan to save America.
Return to (Welcome Page) to review the Revolution by Vote.