Single Question Smart Voter Test


Here are the two possible answers first:

A)        Yes      If you honestly respond "Yes," then you are a smart voter.

B)        No       If you honestly respond "No," you are not a smart voter.


Here is the question:

Did you ever change your mind about something important?


Why do we elect bad people to public office?

Because there are about 70 million ignorant people in America who vote in every election, and they elect liars and hypocrites who pass bad laws and repeal good laws.  There are more smart citizens who are eligible to vote, probably about 180 million, but most of them do not vote.  IF YOU ANSWERED YES WHICH SHOWS THAT YOU ARE A SMART VOTER, PLEASE VOTE.  YOUR DECISION ABOUT WHO TO VOTE FOR CAN BE TRUSTED.  If you need more information about the candidates that will be on your ballot, look at the "Vote Smart" voter information website.



Because the truth is, no matter what people on television say, the only way we can have good people in our government is if more smart voters vote than the ignorant voters who always vote.  That means if you passed the smart voter test, you MUST vote in order to save your country from being destroyed by the votes of the ignorant.  Just register to vote as a "no-party" voter and you will be a soldier in the Revolution by Vote.    


To before0922pages: (Pre0922 Contents)

ENJOY: September (Surprise) showing how to block a second term for Trumpolini.


In 2020 watch out for the (Elephant) in the Election!


Quick view of JM Campaign VIDEOS at primacycinema on YouTube: (J M Campaign Videos).


See our (Final Offer), August 5, 2020, to the Democratic Party and House of Representatives.


Look at (John Manimas Campaign 2020) to learn more about the non-voter plan to save America.


Check out the possible (Deadly Results) of our 2020 general election.


Return to (Welcome Page) to review the Revolution by Vote.