Votomotive Voters' Research Services


The News in Advance

A unique public service from Votomotive FSTD


You get today's news from everywhere, but only Votomotive FSTD provides you with the news at least 30 days in advance – in other words, the news of the future.


"Some of the news that might come true."


Our fifth FSTD news story is three months in advance, publishing now in

August 2024 the biggest news story of November 2024:


Democracy Has Come to America!

98% of eligible citizens cast their ballots in the 2024 Election


            (New York, NY 2024)  Americans are dancing in the streets and people are celebrating all over the world:  the U.S.A. has become a democracy!   Beyond the most optimistic predictions, nearly 100% of American voters voted in what was described as the most important election of all time, to choose a president where one of the candidates promised that if he won, "you won't need to ever vote again."  The amazing turnout was not completely unexpected.  Voter registrations reached record levels, and occurred so rapidly that registration records could not be timely updated by elections staff.  Some early reports suggest that consistent with population statistics, more than half of those who voted in the 2024 election were under the age of forty.  Some older Americans were quoted as saying, "I am so glad that our children came out to vote for their future."  H. P. Woodduck, respected commentator with Lynx News, said:  "For the first time in more than a century, those elected to exercise the power of government were actually chosen by a majority of the electorate.  America is great again." 



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