Votomotive Voters' Research Services

The News in Advance

A unique public service from Votomotive FSTD


"Some of the news that might come true."


Our fourth FSTD NIA story is four months in advance, publishing now in

July 2024 the biggest news story of November 2024:


Donald Trump Re-elected!

Most Blame the Democratic Party


Donald Trump's Wrecking Ball in the White House


            (Washington D.C. 2024)  Donald Trump, convicted, diseased and drugged, won the Presidency by 35 electoral votes -- thanks to the bumbling and undemocratic behavior of the Democratic Party -- most Americans believe according to all exit polls.  Americans are saying goodbye to American democracy, and to the world, now expected to be finished off by the carbon dioxide, methane and a long list of toxic chemicals.  The mass extinctions have already started, scientists report, and "homo obnoxio" might be included in the list.  The whole Earth, or at least Western Civilization, is over, because the Democrats ignored the people for the second time.  The Democratic voters asked for Bernie Sanders in 2016, who would have defeated Trump handily, but the Democratic Party elitists with their "Super Delegates," shoved Sanders and the people aside, saying, in effect, "We are the political class, the party owners, and we decide who will be a candidate."  They did it again in 2024.  The Democratic voters said Biden is too old, does not have the good health and energy required for one of the most demanding jobs in the world. But the Democratic elitists, the limousine liberals, once again stepped on the heads of the people to protect their exclusive power as the political class and made the decision for the people.  The Democratic bosses decided who would be the candidate, and they surrendered our Constitution and our federal government to Trump and his political allies.  The Trumpists had stated clearly that their purpose is to "dismantle the administrative state."  We all know what that means.  It means to discredit and remove regulations previously enforced by such agencies as the FDA and the EPA, as well as by Homeland Security and the Surgeon General.  It means to support an open-ended commitment to the coal, oil and gas industries and continuation of human-driven heating of the atmosphere, indefinitely.  It means permitting unlimited manufacturing of toxic plastics and organic chemicals that kill Earth's life-supporting systems such as coral reefs, temperate and tropical forests, the plankton and sea-grass, the insects and the birds.  All life on Earth is now endangered, because the Democratic Party failed to put democracy first.  It was more important to the Party leaders to display their power than to do what was needed.  All the harm that follows is the result not only of Republican success, but also of Democratic failure.  The voter turnout was especially shameful, 69%.  We suppose that means 31%, nearly one third, of all Americans eligible to vote don't really believe democracy is important.  It did not occur to them that voting is an obligation of citizenship.  Trump has the power, and we cannot even say that the majority wanted him.  We will never know if he really was, or is, the people's choice.  The Democratic Party failed, and the people failed as well.  The human tragedy is that we do not learn from experience, such as WWII.  Or, in the alternative, maybe the people want a WWIII.  Enjoy your sandwich.  It may be your last. 



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