RDP Meeting Notes from Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Prepared by John Medeiros


Thank you for hosting this meeting at your home.


Small group due to August absences:  Discussion of things to do to help. 

A)  Provide transportation for voters to their polling places.

B)  Support adoption of Rank Choice Voting for local, state and federal elections.


Comment from John:  Whenever I think about how ambitious this project appears, or that it is unlikely to be able to accomplish the mission, I remind myself that American politics continues to be scary and wildly dysfunctional.  And when election day 2020 comes, millions of potential voters (not Rs and Ds) may be very glad that they can cast an ACTIVE protest vote FOR ELECTION REFORM on their ballot and that violent protest

in the streets is not the only choice.  The mission is not only that we be "activists," but that we create a credible option to improve our election process that is both democratic and non-violent.  My viewpoint is that the election reforms that Americans want will not occur unless they are actively demanded by the people.  The nobility in power will never enact such reforms on their own unless they have a real gun, or a political gun, pointed at their heads.  The current election system meets the needs of the American nobility who fear a truly democratic election process because the two-party system maintains minority rule and minority control over the outcome of legislative elections.         

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