The Four Lethal Flaws (and the Fifth) of the Two Party System

There are FOUR LETHAL FLAWS IN THE dysfunctional two-party disaster.  To continue to rely on the two-party illness to result in a democratic election would be a political tragedy of cosmic scope.  The two-party system is destroying democracy in America because:

1)  (Reverse democracy)  It causes the reverse of implementing the will of the people.  When voters vote for a minor-party progressive candidate, those votes benefit conservative candidates.  When voters vote for a minor-party conservative candidate, those votes benefit progressive candidates.  Votes for any minor third party places the election of the President into the hands of the stale Congress, which keeps the subversive two-party partnership in control instead of the will of the people being in control. 


2)  (Forced polarity)  The two-party pathology causes both candidates and the media to conduct a fake discussion of the issues by formulating every issue as a "yes or no" or "for or against" problem, which is an oversimplification of real political and economic problems and "dumbing down" of the electorate and public debate.  The two-party pathology has led to liars, manipulators and hucksters arousing the emotions of the people with FALSE ISSUES of religious doctrines and moral philosophy WHICH ARE PERSONAL AND FAMILY ISSUES AND NOT THE BUSINESS OF GOVERNMENT AND WHICH DO NOT FALL WITHIN THE AUTHORITY OF ELECTED OFFICIALS.  Personal and family decisions are private and that privacy is protected by the Constitution, not subject to regulation by the Congress.  The two-party pathology poisons political and economic debate rather than having public debate serve as a healthy and effective path toward democratic decision-making.


3)  (Election can be easily fixed)  It is most vulnerable to anti-democratic interests and manipulative techniques, such as gerrymandering (vote capturing) election districts and acts of voter suppression, precisely because the outcome of an election with only two political parties can be fixed or controlled by discarding or adding only a handful of votes in a single district.  In other words, the two-party system promotes election fraud by election officials.


4)  (Vulnerable to control by money)  It is susceptible to the belief, on the part of the rich, that they can control the outcome of elections by contributing to the campaign finances of a candidate they prefer, and have the effect, in practice, of hiring a person to run for office so that if elected they can then promote the specific selfish interests of a handful of business entities instead of representing their constituents.  In other words, the two-party system promotes an effective anti-democratic process instead of a democratic process.  Conclusion:  The two-party tyranny obstructs majority rule, the first principle of democracy, and promotes minority rule by the nobility, oligarchy or plutocracy.  The larger decisions of society are far too important to be entrusted to experts and must be rendered by the wisdom of the people.  That is democracy:  majority rule with essential protection of minority factions by a constitutional commitment to essential civil rights.  An election system that moves either left or right as the voters so move is a democratic system.


My mission  (by John Manimas):

My mission is to offer a serious third choice to my fellow voters in America so that they can cast a protest vote against the two-party tyranny and begin to build a real democracy. 


Once citizens understand what I am doing and why I am doing it, they will be glad to know that they have the choice to cast a write-in vote for me, John Manimas, and against the two-party disaster and begin the process of building a multi-party system using vote donation and party-coalition government.  This IS NOT another third party or splinter party game.  This is a serious and dedicated effort, a long-term project, to dislodge a dysfunctional institution and replace it with real democracy, a system that implements the will of the people through elections that are as complete and accurate as credit card transactions and military control systems. 


The principles of the Real Democracy Party include discouragement of election fraud by election officials, automatic voter registration at birth and severe penalties for any form of voter suppression, vote capturing, or hiring persons to run for office to represent any entity or group other than all the residents of the election district.


The Fifth Flaw: the obstruction of America democracy.


The Fifth Flaw is actually the tyrannical cumulative effect of the first four:  the demonstrated result of the two-party system is that YOU and WE have had a government that is not approved by 70% of the people for the past 120 years.  Consider this:  Why do you have a serious legal obligation to serve as a juror for jury duty, subject to a fine of $1,000 (in order to sustain the constitutional right to a jury trial), but you do not have a legal obligation to vote – in order to sustain a Constitutional democratic republic?  The only rational defense offered for the two-party system is that it is supposed to protect our country from extremist political parties.  But the reality is the two-parties have evolved as the best way to continue the American Civil War indefinitely.  Do you see us being protected from political extremists?  To me, it looks like political extremists -- an entrenched and pathologically ideological American Nobility -- are in charge and their system for maintaining minority rule is what is protected by the two-party system.  If you observe with a rational mind, you should see that the people in power are removing science as a guide for government policies and decisions.  The true purpose of the two-party system is to obstruct the development of competing political parties.  There is no Constitutional basis for the two-party system.  It is just a successful scam.  Welcome to Scamerica.  If the American people do not demand election reforms that enable real political competition, the two-party system is going to continue to destroy our democracy and our society.  LEARN MORE – the lives of your children and grandchildren, their very existence, depend on it.  First step:  Observe:  60% of those eligible to vote do vote, about 30% D and 30% R.  Because the other 40% see no meaningful choices in our "two-party" elections, that forty percent have not voted since 1900.  Therefore, whether a D is elected or an R is elected, that "winner" has only got the documented support of between 30% and 32% of the voters.  At all times, our government was elected by less than one-third of the people.  Could that be the cause of our political and economic problems?  You think?  It is not greed and bad conduct that causes our frightening situation.  Any human society has greed and bad conduct.  The problem is the two-party system.  It works like a neighborhood with no locks on doors, no security alarms, no dogs, houses left empty by owners on vacation, and no neighborhood watch.  The reason there are burglaries in that neighborhood is not because there are more burglars, or because the local residents are worse than in other neighborhoods.  The reason there are more burglaries is because that neighborhood works in a way that makes burglary easier than other neighborhoods.  If you want to have a safe home, you have to take safety measures.  If you want elections that support real democracy, you have to make laws for democratic elections, laws that enable new political parties to compete, not laws that enable voter suppression and the suppression of new political parties.   

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