Poddy Shack
Pod casts or voice recordings from the John Manimas Campaign and Revolution by Vote.
When NOT MODIFIED in any way, these audio files are in the public domain.
These audio files can be played and safely saved or downloaded.
Quickminder #3: Your post of duty is the (Ballot Box).
Quickminder #2: Preserve your choices: Make America (Responsible Again) of John Manimas.
Quickminder #1: The (Midnight Ride) of John Manimas.
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Newer (2020) videos available on YouTube: (J M Campaign Videos).
Older videos available on YouTube: (J M Campaign Videos).
John Manimas write-in (Campaign 2020) Package.
Back links with additional helpful links -- follow your curiosity and questions -- choose the topic you want:
Link back to: Welcome Page of (Revolution by Vote) or the essential topics in the (Quick Directory).
Check the (Arithmetic) of the Revolution by Vote. Open Campaign (Package 2019) for older messages (2019-2016).
See (Progress Reports 2020), work completed to make it real.
If you wish, submit your five-minute Voter's First Response Survey: (RBV Survey #1).
The Revolution by Vote is a PLAN for the American people to use their voting power to get off the Two-party (Seesaw)
and create a real democracy as was intended by the founders AND the original three million colonists.
What you would be (voting for) and proposed law to establish (obligatory voting).
Why you would become a (Voting Power), and the (Mission 2020) Statement.
Elections information:
Brief description of voter suppression and political party (suppression).
The (Electoral College) and its problems, a key to election reforms.
State election authorities names and (Addresses).
The Federal Government does not manage elections, but is vested with power to monitor elections or make rules
for election procedures in order to provide the "republican form of government" guaranteed by the Constitution.
To before0922pages: (Pre0922 Contents)